Please be aware our waiting area is not currently available due to construction works. Please call us to let us know you have arrived in the car park and we will call you when it is time to come into the practice. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience.

Beau­ti­ful, straight smiles with Invisalign®

Align your teeth with­out ugly braces and get the smile you’ve always wanted!

Invisalign clear aligners will get you a beautiful smile and straight teeth without the discomfort of traditional braces. Transparent caps, called aligners, are used to gently align your teeth to their correct position. Clear aligners can correct the same problems as brackets, in the same amount of time, with the same results... and at the same cost.

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Invisalign Has Straightened Over 7M Smiles Worldwide

The most trusted clear aligner system, that is dentist led. That means professional dentists (like us!) guide you every step of the way.

How Invisalign Looks | Invisible & Removable

Not only are Invisalign align­ers almost invis­i­ble to the naked eye, they’re also ful­ly remov­able. This means you can con­tin­ue to eat your favourite foods or even remove the align­ers for spe­cial occasions.

How Invisalign Works | Simply Effective

Invisalign works with a series of lab­o­ra­to­ry craft­ed, clear align­ers, each unique­ly shaped slight­ly clos­er to your final smile. As your teeth move, we move you onto the next set of align­ers until your per­fect smile is achieved.

How to Get Started | Your 3D Smile

Your next steps are to book a free, no oblig­a­tion con­sul­ta­tion at our den­tal prac­tice. Here we’ll take a spe­cial, 3D scan of your teeth to devel­op a 3D image of how your smile will look before you even choose to go ahead.

See how your smile could look by taking the selfie test

Before Treatment
After Treatment

Book your free Invisalign® Con­sul­ta­tion Package

  • Simulation using a 3D scanner where you will see the final result of your teeth after treatment - before committing to treatment.
  • Recommended treatment plan so that you can regain the confidence in your smile.
  • ​Free Retainers (£120 value)
  • ​Free Boutique Teeth Whitening (£320 value)
  • ​0% finance options available if you’d like to go ahead with treatment.

Dr. Sandra Ferreira

Delivers world class Invisalign® results every time

Sandra is our Principal Dentist with over 25 years experience and has successfully journeyed with many Invisalign patients who have transformed their smiles with Measham Dental.

The average treatment lasts nine months and patients love to see their gapped, crooked or misaligned teeth move into place.

Request a free consultation
Hannah holland

When I was deciding whether or not to get Invisalign Sandra was informative and positively realistic about the treatment. I went ahead with Invisalign and am nearly at the end of my treatment and the results have been excellent.

Hannah Holland

Spread the cost of your dream smile with interest free finance

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Simple affordable smiles